About Us
Leadership and Involvement
Each Troop in the BSA is organized by a committee of parents and volunteers that are selected by their Chartered Organization. The troop committee is a cross between a board of directors and a parent support group. It sets troop policies and handles administrative functions, such as submitting the advancements records, managing fundraising efforts, approving the annual program and coordinating the adult leadership.
Our scoutmaster and assistant scoutmasters make up the team of adult leaders who guide our youth through the scouting program. The scoutmaster and assistant scoutmasters (ASMs) are responsible for working directly with the Scouts, providing direction, coaching, and support. Scoutmasters and ASMs have three basic roles: Providing the the junior leaders with the tools and skills so they can run the troop, making sure the rules of the BSA and chartered partner are followed, and being a good mentor and positive role model.
Committee Chair
Jeanna Martin
Our committee chair is Jeanna Martin. Jeanna has been a part of our troop since 2022 when her son crossed over from Cub Scouts. Jeanna has been an active volunteer in scouting, serving as the treasruer for the Cub Scouts for 2 years. Use the button below to submit questions or feedback about volunteering and leadership roles or other committee related topics.
Matt Beals
Our Scoutmaster is Matt Beals. Matt is an experienced scouter with nearly 7 years of prior leadership experience in the Cub Scouting (k-5) program. Matt crossed into troop with his older son in 2019 and took over the role of Scoutmaster in 2020. For questions about troop meetings and activities, use the button below to email Matt.